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تهران - فرمانیه- خیابان لواسانی - خیابان فربین- پلاک 5 - واحد 1
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کتاب BIM Framework for Structural Design

کتاب: BIM Framework for structural Design

کاربرد BIM در طراحی سازه

April 21, 2015 by CRC Press

Nawari O. Nawari, Michael Kuenst

BIM for Structural Engineering and Architecture

Building Information Modeling: Framework for Structural Design outlines one of the most promising new developments in architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC). Building information modeling (BIM) is an information management and analysis 

technology that is changing the role of computation in the architectural and engineering industries. The innovative process constructs a database assembling all of the objects needed to build a specific structure. Instead of using a computer to produce a series of drawings that together describe the building, BIM creates a single illustration representing the building as a whole. This book highlights the BIM technology and explains how it is redefining the structural analysis and design of building structures.

BIM as a Framework Enabler

This book introduces a new framework—the structure and architecture synergy framework (SAS framework)—that helps develop and enhance the understanding of the fundamental principles of architectural analysis using BIM tools. Based upon three main components: the structural melody, structural poetry, and structural analysis, along with the BIM tools as the frame enabler, this new framework allows users to explore structural design as an art while also factoring in the principles of engineering. The framework stresses the influence structure can play in form generation and in defining spatial order and composition. By highlighting the interplay between architecture and structure, the book emphasizes the conceptual behaviors of structural systems and their aesthetic implications and enables readers to thoroughly understand the art and science of whole structural system concepts. 

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